Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Grace and Evie's First Play Date

This past Friday (March 7), Jenn went over to Heather and Pete's for a play date. Their youngest daughter, Evie, was born a month before Grace. They all had a grand old time and Dad(me) got to stay home and rest.

Also, Grace experienced the Bumbo seat for the first time. It helps 3-6 month babies begin to sit up. Well,since Grace is going through this stage were she wants to sit up and cries if she is on her back too long. We just had to have one. So, I was sent out on a mission the next day to locate said chair. (However, Jenn did refer to the chair as 'bimpo', so there was some confusion at good old Toys R Us when I was demanding a bimpo.)

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