Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grace at 9 Months

So, our little bundle of joy turned 9 months old!

What is it like with a 9 month old?
- The biggest thing (to me) is she says 'dada'. Yep! When I walk into the room, she'll turn and say the two beautiful little syllables.

- She scampers about on all fours.

- You have to make sure you keep the front door shut ... or she is high-tailin' it outside.

- You can't leave anything on the floor ... or it is right in the mouth.

- Scratches and bumps and bruises from falling.

- When she cries because of falling, she'll put her arms up for mommy.

- Changing diapers is an immense undertaking all of a sudden, you have to keep her pre-occupied or ...

- She doesn't like to have clothes put on or taken off.

- She plays. She has her favorite toys and books and will sit and play for long periods.

- Constant chattering ... and a new game with daddy, called: "Repeat Screaming." It goes like this, I'll make a loud strange sound, then she'll copy. And then repeat. Sometimes, she'll start the game.

- Loves ... and I mean loves pulling mom and dad's glasses off. She gets so excited.

- Will drink her own bottle. She'll lay in her playpen (although she still prefers the couch or her mom/dad's arms) and drink her own bottle.

- Loves to dance with mommy.

- Like to play, "throw the pacifier out of the crib"

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