Saturday, June 20, 2009

Grace's New Table

A gift from her grandparents. After dad put it together, Grace spent a good portion of the afternoon practicing sitting in her chair. She loves it.

Grace visits the La Brea Tar Pits - June 10

On a nice overcast day in Los Angeles, we headed to the La Brea Tar Pits. Remember tar is seeping up into the ground. DON'T let you child run around. Grace found a small area in the grass were tar was coming up and nearly walked in it.
So, we moved inside into the Page Museum. Once again she was more interested in the other children. Who I had to tell not to pick her up - small girls always want to lift her up. She eventually found the children's are and plopped down, pulling a book from the stand.

Our Visit to LA Zoo on June 3rd

Grace was far more interested in the other school children and dirt than the animals. However, she did enjoy the large amount of space that she could run around in.

Grandma Joan Visits - A visit to Barnes & Noble

When Joan was out, one of our excursions was to Barnes and Noble. Grace enjoyed running amok in the children's area. And not being shy of strangers, she visited with a lot of other children and parents.

Her grandmother, also, got her some new books. Currently, Quiet Loud is her favorite.

Mother's Day

Jenn was not feeling weel, so I took Grace over to my folks for Mother's Day. She helped her great grandmother Esther open her gifts. Of course, she wanted to walk around with the purse for the rest of the day.

Grace at her cousin Cade's birthday in May

Grace came down with a little stomach bug and threw-up all over her dad upon arrival. Luckily, her cousin Matt had an extra Spiderman t-shirt.
Also lucky for dad, the girl cousins took over watching and playing with Grace for awhile.
PS - Grace goes off her bottle!